Top 5 Popular Myths You still Believe

There are a lot of Myths that we were told when we were younger that are not true...

1.Sugar causes children to be HyperActive

  A lot of parents believe that if they feed sugar to their kids,they will become out of control and Hyperactive.Well the truth is there is not much evidence to suggest that sugar is the cause of this increase in activity.When we eat sugar,it goes into the bloodstream where it will send those sugars to muscles and internal organs and then store the rest for later.If any kid is being hyper because he is a kid or he ate chocolate which in that case,he had too much caffeine which does lead to hyperactivity.

2.Dogs are Colorblind

     Contrary to popular belief,dogs actually have better color vision than we originally thought.They can see blues and greens and they also have more like colorpicker in their eyes so they can see better in low light situations.The myth probably circulated because dogs have fewer cones in their eyes which are the color sensing cells.So,in reality,their color vision is only about 1/7th as vibrant as ours but they are able to see colors.

3.Lighting never strikes the same place

   Lighting is an enormous electric discharge that hits the earth and no,it does not care if its hit a certain spot or not.Taller objects such as skyscrapers and trees are targeted the most and in fact,the Empire State Building gets hit by lighting about 100 times a year.

4.Swimming after Eating

   When you are a kid,your parents probably told you that you have to wait at least a half an hour after you eat before you can swim again.Despite this common misconception, our bodies are adapted to swim while digesting food.Of course,you ,might get nauseous if you overexert yourself too quickly but that has nothing to do with you swimming in the water.

5.Carrots will improve your vision

      This was a actually a myth that was the product of WWII propaganda. The British claimed that the reason their soldiers had such great night vision was that they ate their carrots.However the British Government promoted this as a way to distract people from the real reason why their soldiers had better night vision.Their fighter pilots all had radars in their planes which made it easier for them to see their enemies.


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